Interested in joining? Download Membership Application Form. Once downloaded complete and send to the Membership secretary, contact details are shown on page 2 of the form. Alternatively you can collect a hard copy of the form at the next monthly meeting at the Community Centre, Stocking Fen Road at 2pm on the second Tuesday of the month, except August when we do not meet as a group.
Want to enhance your life and make it more exciting!
Don’t hesitate, join today, and Learn, Laugh and Live!
Membership of the Ramsey & District u3a gives you the opportunity to Learn, Laugh and Live.
Primarily for retired and semi-retired people, or those no longer in full time employment, it is never too late to learn something new.
Annual membership is £17 per person (£13 if you already belong to another u3a).
Our year is from April to March and if you join from December the fee is £8.50 or £6.50 if you belong to another u3a.
On joining you will receive a welcome pack. You will also be given access to the Ramsey & District u3a website to enable you to access member pages. You must be a member before joining an interest group or attending courses.
Your annual subscription of £17 includes:
Per capita charge to National Office covering insurance, events, news licences etc.
Subscription and postage for Third Age Matters, the National magazine published in February, April, June, September and November;
Hire of venue for monthly meetings
Fees for speakers at open meetings;
Ramsey u3a’s own quarterly Aspire magazine
Regular Newsletters and updates as necessary
We have Welcomers who are at General Meetings to assist you in getting to know all about the u3a and introduce you to other members. They will talk you through the various interest groups and show you how to contact the group leaders. Contact the Membership Secretary if you would like to be a Welcomer.
Name badges are issued to all members and everyone is requested to wear these at open meetings. On joining, a new members badge is coloured. This allows other members to easily identify new members and ensure they are made to feel welcome and encouraged to join in. When comfortable and/or on request, this badge can be switched to the normal white one.
Group Leaders have a green coloured name badge with details of the Group they lead so it is easy to spot the person you want to talk to. Committee members have lanyards and are there to help you.
Members pay £1 at each monthly meeting and Visitors £2.
Subscriptions are due for renewal at the beginning of April and can be made by direct debit or payable at an Open Meeting or within the Interest Groups by cheque (made payable to Ramsey and District u3a) or cash.
If you wish to pay your membership by bank transfer the account name is Ramsey and District u3a
Bank sort code: 77-72-18
Account Number: 13300660
All members must
- Abide by the principles of the u3a movement
- Always act in the best interests of the u3a and never do anything to bring the u3a into disrepute
- Abide by the terms and conditions of the constitution
- Treat fellow members with respect and courtesy at all times
- Comply with and support the decisions of the elected committee
- Advise the committee of any change in their personal details