May 2018 Volume 8 Issue 2

  Ramsey and District U3A UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE NEWSLETTER The chairman (Sheila Gilbert-Hill) welcomed all to the General Meeting on Tuesday 8th May. The usual safety notices were read out. Sheila said that Enid was a hard act to follow, but that she would make every effort to …read more

April 2018 Volume 8 Issue 1

Ramsey and District U3A UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE NEWSLETTER The chairman welcomed all to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday 10th April. The usual safety notices were read out. Members were reminded that there is a table set up in the foyer for less able members to sit …read more

March 2018 Volume 7 Issue 12

Ramsey and District U3A UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE NEWSLETTER The chairman welcomed all to the meeting on Tuesday, 13th March, by stating that Daffodils and Crocuses were out and that birds had started nesting, a harbinger of Spring! The usual safety notices were read out. Members were reminded that …read more

February 2018 Volume 7 Issue 11

Ramsey and District U3A UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE NEWSLETTER The chairman welcomed all to the meeting on Shrove Tuesday, the usual safety notices were read out. She asked for a show of hands to see if we should continue with the alphabet quiz, the overwhelming indication was that this …read more

January 2018 Volume 7 Issue 10

Ramsey and District U3A UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE NEWSLETTER A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR MEMBERS The chairman welcomed all to the first meeting of 2018, the usual safety notices were read out. She recommended that if you have not had the ‘flu jab that there is still …read more

December 2017 Volume 7 Issue 9

Ramsey and District U3A UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE NEWSLETTER A Happy New Year to All our U3A Members Our Fantastic Festivities on Tuesday 12th December 2017. The Community Centre was made ready for our U3A members, food was laid out on the tables, wines, soft drinks and non-alcoholic beverages …read more

November 2017 Volume 7 Issue8

Ramsey and District U3A UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE NEWSLETTER A warm welcome to all our members Our meeting on Tuesday 14th November 2017. The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, by saying that there was a nip in the air – had winter arrived? The usual housekeeping notices were …read more

October 2017 Volume 7 Issue 7

Ramsey and District U3A UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE NEWSLETTER A warm welcome to all our members Our chairman, Enid, was unable to attend so our vice-chairman, Sheila Gilbert-Hill, took over her duties for the afternoon. Usual safety notices were read out. Sheila then reminded members that the Christmas meeting …read more

September 2017 Volume 7 Issue 6

Ramsey and District U3A UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE NEWSLETTER A warm welcome to all our members Our meeting on Tuesday 12th September 2017. Autumn has come, the harvest gathered in, thus the chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, the first after our August break. Usual safety notices were read …read more

July 2017 Volume 7 Issue 5

Ramsey and District U3A UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE NEWSLETTER   NEWS FLASH Netherlands visit to Keukenhof, Delft, and Amsterdam 2018 Dews coaches have formalized this tour exclusively for members of our U3A. Dates April 16th – 20th 2018 Leaving Ramsey taking the Eurotunnel and then to Papandrecht (a suburb …read more

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